I've decided to demote some of my maternity skirts to the regular, not so pregnant type.

Basically I cut the skirt apart at all the seams and removed the pregnant belly waist band. I sort of eye balled an A line skirt, held it up, decided that it'd fit and sewed up the side seams. I went to try it on and... holy hips. Oh yea, those things. Now a zipper was a good option. But, I didn't have a zipper. I also didn't think hauling the two kids to the store for a zipper was worth my time. Especially since we'd have to walk. And walk. And walk some more. We're a one car family and Dear Husband has dibbs for driving back and forth from work. Anyway, I added some inverted triangle pieces to the top of my A line skirt to widen the top enough to slide over my
freakishly wide hips and my
no way is it that big, and not big in a good way, butt.
(Curse you pregnancy! Love you babies.) Anyway, I used some knit fabric cut from another would be maternity skirt to make a waist band and after it was attached everything fit just fine. The fabric around the hips kinda popped out from my triangle improvisation, so I added the front tie to (hopefully) distract from that.
I had fun making this! My daughter had the very important job of pushing down on that handy little lever to lock my stitches in place whenever I started and ended a seam. She seemed to enjoy that. Ha ha. Get it? Seam, seemed... That's a funny one right there! I'm pretty proud at how well the skirt turned out because most of my sewing equipment is packed away in a box somewhere. That means I had to do it all, even the hem, without pins or measuring tape/ seam gauge, etc. Don't look too closely, k?
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